The English Centre
The English Centre has been a fixture in the landscape of language learning in Salzburg for 15 years. I already liked to drop by as a student, Iooking for foreign language books I would be unable to find anywhere else in town.
Next to various English language courses, you can find Yoga classes, discussion groups and book groups here – not only for English, but also other languages like Spanish.
I personally often get resources through The English Centre and like to send my students there to have a look around the shop to find new materials. Should students run into unexpected learning difficulties due to neurodivergence, I work together with The English Centre to provide the best possible support for them.
Hopefully, this cooperation will extend in the future, as we are planning to host courses and events together. I appreciate The English Centre for their commitment to the community in Salzburg and their hard work, and I would definitely recommend dropping by if you haven’t been there yet!